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 Meetingselect is specialized in meeting management and offers the largest meeting distribution system and online venue sourcing & meeting booking tool with more than 500.000 meeting spaces worldwide. Venues range from traditional hotels and conference spaces to unique venues such as farmhouses, country houses and castles, golf clubs, villas, museums and ships.

The unique self-booking tool is linked to a meeting management information system that helps companies easily understand their meeting costs and makes it easier to comply with internal travel & meeting policies.

The web-based technology of Meetingselect automates cost and time consuming elements of meeting management. From planning meetings to venue sourcing, from analyzing reports to measuring savings. With the use of the self-booking tool for meetings and group reservations, meeting planners and purchasers can source their preferred and non-preferred hotels and meeting venues worldwide. Next to the online service, Meetingselect offers a personal reservation service for external meetings and group reservations.

"The strength of our company is access to the newest technology combined with customer-focused service, such as access to experienced meeting planners to book hotels for groups and meeting venues worldwide", said Judith Huisman, co-founder of Meetingselect.

Meetingselect has been founded in 2007 by female founders Anouk Roohé and Judith Huisman together with Venture Capital. Both founders have an experienced background in the hospitality industry working in various positions globally for international hotel chains and meeting venues.

From start-up we are running a transparent business strategy which is clear to our customers and fair-play to the hotel and meeting industry. This is part of our success and quick growth", said Anouk Roohé co-founder of Meetingselect.

Meetingselect also offers solutions to Business Travel Agencies and Tourism & Convention Bureaus by making use of the white label/xml solutions to book all their clients meetings and group reservations instantly at all their (non-) preferred venues, get insight from data and commission claim service.

Meetingselect has received many awards over the years, thanks to its dedicated team and loyal customers.


Meetingselect は、会議とイベント会場の検索、会議の予約と管理を効率的かつ透明にします。私たちは、企業の会議とホテルのポリシーを管理し、会議とホテルの費用に関する洞察を提供します。これは、ソフトウェアと経験豊富な会議およびホテルの専門家によって実現されます。私たちの目標は、革新的でユーザーフレンドリーな予約ツールを使用して、お客様にとって最高の戦略的パートナーとなり、会議とホテル管理の目標に貢献することです。





長年にわたり、Meetingselect は素晴らしいノミネートと賞を受賞してきました。最新のノミネートは、オランダで最も急速に成長している 250 社のリストである 2018 NLGroeit250 に含まれています。

2017 年、女性の共同創業者が EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women に選ばれ、Deloitte の Technology Fast50 Most Sustainable Grower 2017 に選ばれました。 5年連続。また、Meetingselect は 5 年以上連続して FD Gazelle であり、これは同社がオランダで最も健全で急成長している企業のリストに属していることを意味します。

Meetingselect の女性創業者である Anouk Roohé と Judith Huisman は、Deloitte Technology Fast50 リストの第 1 位の女性起業家としても挙げられています。また、Meetingselect は、Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA リストの上位 100 位に 4 年連続でランクインし続けました。

「当社の強みは、テクノロジーと顧客中心のサービスを組み合わせていることです。誰でもオンラインで直接予約したり、個人サポートを利用して、世界中の会議用ホテルやミーティング & イベント会場を予約したりできます」と述べています。 Meetingselect の共同創設者であるジュディス・ハウスマンは次のように述べています。 「これらの賞と推薦は、私たちの素晴らしい意欲的なチームが認められたものです。私たちは、顧客とサプライヤーの継続的な信頼に感謝しています。」


その他の最近の賞は、Sprout100 の最も成功した女性起業家である TheNextWomen100 (2017 - 2013) です。 The Mice Report の Best Online Venue Finder および LOEY (Leading Online Entrepreneur) Award の過去の賞。

商工会議所と管理サポートの両方が、Meetingselect を秘書やオフィス マネージャーにとって最も革新的な企業および革新的な製品として挙げています。

「何年にもわたって、私たちは顧客とホテル経営者に対して明確で透明性の高いポリシーを実行してきました。それが私たちの成功にも貢献しています」と、Meetingselect の共同創設者である Anouk Roohé 氏は述べています。 「公正なビジネス モデルと透明性は、17 年以上前に会社を設立して以来、私たちの DNA の一部です。」



私たちの目標 持続可能な成長

Sustainable growth
Important for us is a lasting relationship and closeness to everyone in society. This applies not only to our own staff but also for the users of our services and the whole society. Sustainability is central to the actions of Meetingselect and can be found in the DNA of the founders of the company.
The underlying motive is our desire for a healthy earth with proper stewardship and a healthy social environment. At the same time we want to ensure the safety and health of our staff, our passengers and our meeting participants. Since 2015 we have been officially recognized and certified by Ecovadis, with a silver rating for our initiatives for corporate social responsibility. Since 2018 we are awarded with a Gold status. 

The vision of Meetingselect ensures that care for the environment and profitability in accordance with ethical and sustainable standards go well together. Meetingselect remains an independent and trusted company with a complete and transparent cooperation with conference venues and hotels.
With clear and fair contract agreements we distinguish ourselves in the market with a personal approach in our relationship with our customers, suppliers, partners and staff. In 2008 Meetingselect was already the first one that opened up the meeting market. We give our customers insight into our agreements.
In recent years, we have launched several measurable initiatives in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. As a healthy company, we continuously develop initiatives together with customers and partners that contribute to a better world.

Balance 4 P's
The right balance between the four P's is important for Meetingselect. In all our activities we are aware of people, planet, profit and pleasure. Why a fourth P of Pleasure? Only by sincerely having fun and pleasure, the right energy is being released to cross the bridge and collaborate with customers, suppliers and partners to develop new initiatives that contribute to a better world. Spirituality in business means working from connection, contact and trust. The basis of a joint sustainable success.



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